Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Top Three

I get a daily email from a website called All-Pro Dad. It's an NFL-themed mini-devotional that enlightens certain parts of being a dad and how to improve. I recommend it for all my brothers out there, fathers or not. (You can apply this wisdom to pretty much any relationship.)

Here's todays thought .. pretty good stuff:

The Top Three

Author Charles Swindoll conducted a survey of folks over 85 years-old and asked them if they could do life over, what would be some things they would do differently. The top three answers were: more time meditating and reflecting, taking more risks and spending time on eternal issues. It wasn’t making more money, being more famous or driving a nicer car. Think about the three areas that mattered most to these octogenarians and ask yourself how you can start living now to make your life more meaningful.

Risk=reward. Risk in everything -- love, labor, money, God, etc.




Blogger Laurence said...

Dude...thanks for providing the link. That looks like a cool deal. It's awesome to see some athletes stepping up in the form of role models for kids. It doesn't all have to be about juicing, cheating, drugs, and dog fights. Good stuff!

I'm looking forward to exploring that further. Later, bro!

11:41 AM  

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